World Heritage day

*World Heritage Day*

“A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people”.
Every country has its own culture and their tradition followed by the people from the
late history.
World Heritage Day is celebrated every year on 18
th of April . The celebration of
this day has a long back history . It includes site seeing , taking information about the
monuments etc.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and cutlural organization established in Paris
in the year 1945 . It’s has 193 members over all the world . The reason of
establishing this organisation is to keep the world in peace. Before the establishment
of this organisation the world war 1 had terrified the world.
UNSECO helps nations work together, through education for all science and
culture. This is supposed to help other nations follow the rule of law and human
rights . It also helps promote some freedoms in the UN centre.
Main Aim of UNSECO :
1. Keeping peace throughout the world .
2. Eradication of poverty.
3. Sustainable development of Heritages.
4. Education.
5. Culture.
6. Sciences.
7. Communication and information.
How are the heritages being discovered?
UNSECO has the right to decide the heritages. It’s main aim is the momentum has
to have cutlural and traditional value so the values are carried till long . The over all
heritages in the world are 1,092 sites. They are further divided into 3 types .
1. Cultural heritages – 845 sites.
2. Natural heritages – 209 sites.
3. Mixed heritages – 38 sites.

Before the heritages were discovered there were 4 famous civilizations . The world’s
oldest civilizations include Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Roman civilization and
Indus valley civilization. Archaeologist’s and historians’ have made it possible for us
to understand the events and cultures that have shaped our society today through the
discovery of fossils artifact’s and ruined cities that are linked to our ancestors.
There are total 167 countries with these heritages. The top most country of leading
heritages is Italy with 54 sites. It all started with Roman civilization. After that china
leads 2nd for the heritages with 53 sites . Further comes Spain with 47 sites, France 44
sites, Germany 44 sites, India 38 sites and the last one Mexico with 35 sites.
India has the heritage sites where you can see the same maintained culture and
tradition. The heritage of india is the result of development in the social, economy ,
culture and Life style people.
These include 30 cultural sites 7 natural sites and 1 mixed site.
Natural heritage is refereed to the total sum of the elements , biodiversity, including
flora and fauna and ecosystem types .
“World Heritage Day 2020” theme is “Shared Culture”, “ Shared Heritage” and “
Shared Responsibility”.
This year the most leading countries which have the most site seeing heritages have
been affected by the COVID- 19

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