World liver day|| function of liver

*World Liver Day*

Liver,do not smoke,do not drink

The proverb “Health is Wealth” says it all. A person free from diseases both
physically and mentally is indeed a wealthy person.
There are health days celebrated to spread awareness . Similarly “World Health
Day” is celebrated on 19th of April to know more about the liver and it’s diseases.
Liver is the 2nd largest organ of the body. It’s also known as the “ Master Metabolic
Organ” . It plays an very important role in the body. Liver controls the clotting of the
blood, sugar of the body, cholesterol . It also purifies the blood.
Liver is an organ only found in vertebrates which detoxifies various metabolites ,
synthesizes proteins and produces biochemicals necessary for digestion and growth.
It is situated in the upper quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm.
It’s other roles in metabolism include the regulation of glycogen storage,
decomposition of red blood cells and the production of hormones.
Functions of Liver
The various functions of Liver are carried out by the liver cells or hepatocytes. The
liver is thought to be responsible for up to 500 separate functions. Currently no
artificial organ or device is capable of reproducing all the functions of the liver. The
liver also accounts for about 20% of resting total body oxygen consumption.
Features: The liver is large and solid gland situated in the right upper quadrant of the
abdominal cavity. In the living subject , the liver is reddish brown in colour, soft in
consistency , and very friable. It weights about 1600 g in males and about 1300 g in
External Features: The liver is wedged shaped. It resembles a four sided pyramid
laid on one side.
Histology: Liver is covered by Glisson' s capsule. There are hexagonal lobules with
portal radicles at 3-5 corners. Each radicle contains bile ductule, branch each of
portal vein and hepatic artery. Central vein lies in the centre and all around the
Central vein are the hepatocytes in form of laminae. On one side of the lamina is the
sinusoid and on the other side is a bile canaliculus.
Portal lobule seen in human is triangular in shape with three central veins at them sides and the portal tract in the centre.
The liver acinus is defined as the liver parenchyma around a preterminal branch of
hepatic arteriole between two adjacent central veins. The liver acinus is the
functional unit of liver. Blood reaches the acinus via branches of portal vein and
hepatic artery to open into the sinusoids to reach the central vein. On the other
hand, the flow of bile is along bile canaliculi, bile ductules and the Interlboluar bile
To keep your liver healthy, follow a health lifestyle.
Say no to Alcohol, Smoking and Drugs.
Take care with toxic chemicals.
Maintain your weight.

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