World Homoeopathy Day

"World Homoeopathy Day" 

Homoeopathy is the oldest version of medicines . It has cure for every disease. Medical field is getting this  into practice. It’s a pseudoscienctific system of alternative medicine. It is obtained from nature .

 Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, German physician who was great scholar linguist and acclaimed scientist. He developed homoeopathy in the 18th century. 10th April is celebrated as World Homoeopathy Day to commerate the birth anniversary of Dr. Hahnemann.

The Central council for research in homoeopathy[CCRH], ministry of AYUSH. [Ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, uani, siddha and homoeopathy].

Both Homoeopathy and AYUSH have got in to practice by all the medical institutes, academics. Homoeopathy institutes comprise 35.8% of AYUSH colleges , while homoeopathy practitioners are 37% of the AYUSH in total.

 Dr. Hahnemann had four principles to get the cure of diseases: 
1. “ Similia simiblus curentur” via let likes cure likes . This is the 1st principle.

 2. “The single remedy”. This is the 2nd principle.

3. “The minimum dose” . This is this the 3rd principle.

4. “The potentiza remedy. This the 4th principle.

 Homoeopathy Awareness Week is observed from 10 April to 16 April and celebrates the birth of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy.
Several varieties of public events are organised including free lectures, volunteer first-aid at events, free homoeopathy clinics, media interviews, educational posts on Twitter and Facebook, etc.  and are also shared in various countries.

Why isWorld Homoeopathy Day celebrated?
It is celebrated to raise awareness about the homoeopathy and to improve the accessibility to homoeopathy. It is also important to understand future strategies required to develop homoeopathy on a larger scale and its challenges. It is required to focus on the quality of education, enhancing the success rate of an average practitioner. Therefore, Homeopathy is a medical system that believes that the body can cure itself. Practitioners of homoeopathy use tiny amounts of natural substances.

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'HOMEOPATHY' is a not only medicine But also a good report