National Pets day

National Pets day

National pet day history

celebrity pet lifestyle expert and animal welfare advocate Colleen paige founded the day in 2005. 
anyone who has loved and on a pet knows that a pet can be source of enormous comfort in times of disappointment or grief. 
domestic pets are very common in every country in our country meaning kinds of domestic pets that are not only a source of pleasure but also useful.  dogs are very faithful that is why many people prefer them as domestic pets. 
Medical research has proved that pets increase the longevity of those who have hurt attacks in many cases their presence has been known to reduce blood pressure as well as children who have pets have better immune systems and less likely to have days of from school while page cannot be considered as human replacements there is no doubt of their ability to to cultivate feelings of isolation that humans of all ages are prey to. 
Our responsibility and problems of stray animals. 
The problem of stray cats and dogs is our problem. If we wish to resolve the problem we need to look at ourselves critically and decide how we can improve the standard of cat and dog caretaking to ensure that they are looked after to a high standard within the family home.
On the basis that it is impossible to ensure that every cat and dog owner acts in a responsible manner, there will always be some stray animals. How do we deal with them? “Humanely” is the only way that we can deal with these animals. By “humanely” I mean decently and in a kindly manner and in a way whereby the cat or dog suffers the very least distress and pain.
If a stray cat or dog is microchipped then he/she can be returned to his owner once the microchip has been read and the name and address of the owner becomes known. This depends upon whether the data on the microchip is up-to-date. It is important to keep microchip information up-to-date.

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