Sachin Tendulkar God of cricket

Sachin Tendulkar(God of cricket)

Sachin Tendulkar God of cricket

"I wan't my son to become like Sachin Tendulkar".

-Brian Lara

This one sentence of Brian Lara about Sachin Tendulkar tells us about what Class Sachin had while playing.

Sachin Tendulkar life.

Born on 24th April 1973 in Mumbai. Sachin at very early age was not much interested in cricket. But on very fine day his Sister brought him 'Bat' which she brought for him while returning from trip. That one incident changed Sachin's as well as Indian Cricket's Future.

At very small age he had very good batting skills. When his older brother watched Sachin's cricket skills he then took Sachin to Achrekar Sir. This was second turning point in his life. He became a very good batsmen under guidance of Achrekar Sir. While practising with Sachin his friends always told that 'He was more Determined, polite while playing'.

Then seeing his Cricket Batting Skills, he was selected to play for india at very small age of 16 against Pakistan which had fast bowlers like Imran Khan, Wasim Akram, Waqar Yonis etc. Seeing this very young child when hit by Waqar's Bouncer Javed Miandad(Captain Of Pakistan Said) "Are bhai tuzhe toh khoon aa raha hain", but still sachin stood on crease and made a best 50 runs with his 'Classic' shots which shocked the Pakistani bowlers because he was just 16 and was hitting ball very well . This shows about the dedication of Sachin. Though he was blooded but still he played and also hit a half century on grassy pitch to great bowlers.

As years passes, the young 16 was now a Master in Cricket. Great Bowlers like Shane Warne, Glenn Mc crath, Brett Lee, Wasim, etc had been in very trouble since they were not been able to take his wicket. Whatever bowl the bowler bowls it would be a either a Perfect Defence or a Perfect Boundary.

As in every sportsman's life there comes a very high and very low moment. Such moment was before 2003 world cup as Media Critised him as 'Endulkar'?(Which meant End of Tendulkar?). But still he was very polite, very calm and he decided to give answer by Bat rather than Mouth, and he did it. He was man of tournament of 2003 World Cup with highest Run Scorer, though India did not win in finals, but it showed india's capacity.

Below here are two incidents which shows Sachin's Hardwork, Dedication and honesty.

Sachin Tendulkar (God of cricket) hardwork. 

Incident 1:
It was 2003 World  Cup Aa tensed India-Pakistan match. All the Media, people have been creating pressure on Indian team for win. Sachin worked very hard during 2003 world cup, he got up early, exercised, practised batting,etc.
Before India-Pakistan Match Sachin spend 3 nights planning how to attack Wasim, Shoaib. How to defend, when to defend and many more. And after forst innings he didn't even talk to his teammates since he did not wanted to lose focus, and result was Indian Victory and Sachin's 98(Which he scored with injured leg). This was dedication of Sachin.

Incident 2:
It was India vs West Indies 2011 World Cup. It was an important match. Dinesh Ramdin bowed to Sachin, which cut his bat and catch was taken by Wicket Keeper. Though Umpire gave it a "Not Out", but still Sachin walked back to pavilion beacuse he knew that he was Out. He also thought that it would be injustice for the bowler. Such was the Honesty of Sachin. Later with Sachin's contribution India Finally Won the World Cup 2011.

Apart from cricket Sachin also helps NGOs. When asked why doesn't give all the information about helping to NGOs he told that "Helping should not be told to everybody. It should be done in silence. Only the giver and the helper should know it".

Many are such incidents of Sachin which prove why he is called Master Blaster, Little Master, and Also God of cricket. But it is not possible to mention all of them.
Hence wishing Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar a Very Happy
Birthday and hope for his bright future ahead.

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