3rd April Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj death anniversary

The Great Warrior– Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

History puts us back to the saddest moment which took place in the year 1680.

3rd of April , 1680 know as “ Black Day” we lost our king , the great warrior Shivaji
Maharaj. The soul and heart of every person . He gave up his life just for the
kingdom and the people. He was a well versed king among all the rulers.
In late March 1680, Shivaji fell ill with fever and dysentery, dying around 3–5 April
1680 at the age of 52. on the eve of Hanuman Jayanti. Putalabai, the childless
eldest of the surviving wives of Shivaji committed sati by jumping into his funeral
pyre. Another surviving spouse, Sakwarbai, was not allowed to follow suit because
she had a young daughter. There were also allegations, though doubted by later
scholars, that his second wife Soyarabai had poisoned him in order to put her 10-
year-old son Rajaram on the throne.
Shivaji Maharaj was the wisest among all the rulers . He was never an anti regilious
person , he adopted each and every religion in his kingdom. His policies of making
the kingdom big were in a very right way . He fought till his last breath. He always
choosed the right way for every problem. People loved him whole heartedly. He
always respected him and treated them in accordance with men . He always gave first
priority to his kingdom . He was known as the problem solver . He always took the
right and fair decision.
He is the great inspiration to the youths. We are proud that a such a great warriorwas born in our country .

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