How To Utilise Your Time In Corona  Outbreak

      As we can see that the covid-19 i.e. corona virus is entered in India and started spreding all over the India. To stop this spreding dengerous virus our government take dessicion of janta curfew and work from home. All the employees from the IT sector are started working from home.  
       But the question is what students will do in this corona outbreak we know that government declered 15 days holiday for all the college's in Maharashtra. 
       Some people will say that students have to do there studies in this time. But according to me no one can study whole day. That's why I am writing this blog to help students to know how to utilise there time in this outbreak. So let's get started. 

9 tips for How to utilise your time in corona outbreak.

1. Exercise. Physical exercise is important for both physical and mental health. Taking a half hour after work or on a weekend can get your blood pumping, get your endorphins flowing, and revitalize your spirit. You'll build muscle, burn calories, and oxygenate your brain--giving you a release after a day of stress. Exercising regularly also helps you remain disciplined, which can be valuable in a demanding work environment, and can reduce the long-term effects of stress as well--meaning regular exercisers tend to be less stressed about their jobs. You'll also look better and feel better, which gives you greater confidence.
2. Reading. Reading is a lifelong skill, and successful people never stop reading new books. Whether it's fiction or nonfiction, books help give you a greater understanding of the world around you. They introduce you to new characters, new environments, new cultures, new philosophies, and new ideas, and might even help you build new skills (if you're reading nonfiction, at least). Similarly, reading regularly helps to build your vocabulary and your semantic comprehension, giving you greater communication skills--and something to make small talk about during those particularly awkward business meetings.
3. Make Money
This is my favorite productive use of free time. I have a list of articles I need to write, and when I get some spare minutes, I’ll knock off half an article real quick.
If you get 5 to 10 chunks of free time a day, you can make a decent side income. Figure out how you can freelance your skills, and have work lined up that you can knock out quickly — break it up into little chunks, so those chunks can be done in short bursts.
4. Goal Time
Take 10 minutes to think about your goals — personal and professional.
If you don’t have a list of goals, start on one. If you’ve got a list of goals, review them.
Write down a list of action steps you can take over the next couple of weeks to make these goals a reality. What action step can you do today? The more you focus on these goals, and review them, the more likely they will come true.
5. Clear out Inbox
Got a meeting in 5 minutes? Use it to get your physical or email inbox to empty.
If you’ve got a lot in your inbox, you’ll have to work quickly, and you may not get everything done; but reducing your pile can be a big help. And having an empty inbox is a wonderful feeling.
6. Brainstorm Ideas
Another favorite of mine if I just have 5 minutes — I’ll break out my pocket notebook, and start a brainstorming list for a project or article. Whatever you’ve got coming up in your work or personal life, it can benefit from a brainstorm. And that doesn’t take long.
7. Meditate.
You don’t need a yoga mat to do this. Just do it at your desk. Focus on your breathing. A quick 5 to 10 minutes of meditation (or even a nap) can be tremendously refreshing.
This is a daunting task for me. So I do it in little spurts.
If I’ve only got a few minutes, I’ll do some quick research and take some notes. Do this a few times, and I’m
9.Start writing a blog.
You can start to writing a blog this will help you to increase your creativity and productivity. this will also help you to earn money

           I hope this information will help you
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