Earth day

*Earth Day* 

“The earth doesn’t belong to us , we belong to the earth” 

Earth day is a day for all of us to get free time from your busy lives and have a look 
on what’s happening around us . Observe the changes in the environment , the 
climate , the birds evolution etc. 
Earth day

Every year 22nd April is dedicated to the earth as the “Earth Day” . The main aim of 
this day is spread awareness on the negative impact of our actions as mankind have 
on our environment and earth as a whole , and is a day for political action and civic 
The first earth day took place on April 22nd , 1970. The polluted river caught fire on 
several occasions between 1936 and 1969, when debris and oil had concentrated on 
the waters surface and ignited, A blaze in 1969 came at a time of increasing 
environmental awareness and symbolized years of environmental neglect.
Earth day 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth day . Celebrations will include 
activities such as the great global clean up , citizen science , advocacy , education and 
Some simple facts to save our Earth
• Use the formula 3R’s [reduce, reuse and recycle]. 
• Help the volunteers to keep the surroundings clean.
• Conserve water and electricity.
• Educate people about earth.
• Plant a tree.
• Say no to plastic bags.
• Use public transport.
• Save natural resources.
The theme for earth day 2020 is climate action. The enormous challenge but also 
the vast opportunities of action on climate change have distinguished the issue as the 
most pressing topic for the 50th anniversary.

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