Veer Sambhaji Maharaj

Veer Sambhaji Maharaj

It was in the month of february 1689 when a Mughal Sardar 'Muqaraab Khan' arrested "Chatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj" and took to Aurungzeb. 'Aurangzeb' one of the most cruelest kings in the Mughal history. Sambhaji Maharaj was asked by Aurangzeb to change his religion, give all the 'Maharatha Jahagirs' to him, and if Sambhaji Maharaj will give him all he wanted then him will give him his life. But Maharaj didn't agree.Hence to make Sambhaji Maharaj agree with his decision, he tortured Sambhaji Maharaj's body. The torture included cutting of fingers, cutting of limbs, tongue,removal of eyes, and throwing of salt water on Sambhaji Maharaj's body with was all blodded. But still Maharaj faced it with utmost patience and courage. Atlast Aurangzeb lost to Maharaj since Maharaj didn't agreed to bow down in front of Cruel Aurangzeb, and he ordered his soldiers to cut down Maharaj's head.

"काश हमारी ऊस संभ जैसी कोई ओलद होती...तो दे देते पुरी सलतनत ला जिम्मा उसके कांधंव पर.... एअर खुसी खुशी मौत को गळे लागते" were one of the words coming from Aurangzeb on death Bed.

If we think now about greatness of Sambhaji Maharaj then still people like him, respect him. But no one respects Aurangzeb. This is power of sambhaji maharaj.

At last i want to write some lines for 'Sambhaji Maharaj'

उजळला सुर्याने तुळापुरचा माथा..
सह्याद्री सांगतो पराक्रमाची गाथा..9
काळजात जेव्हा अंधार दाटतो ना..
तेव्हा शंभुराजेंच्या इतिहासाने अवघा महाराष्ट्र पेटतो..
हिंदवी स्वराज्याचे दुसरे छत्रपती
संभाजीराजे शिवाजीराजे भोसले महाराज यांना विनम्र अभिवादनं..
फितुर जन्मले ओ इथे..
याचीच या मातीला खंत आहे..
तरी छत्रपती संभाजी महाराज आमच्या मनात जिवंत आहेत..।।
मानाचा मुजरा राज
मानाचा मुजरा |

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